Indian Princesses Badge

"Sioux North" Tribe of the GA-Sioux Nation

North Valley YMCA Y-Princesses


June 2001: Monthly Meeting at Broken Wing's

On June 7, 2001, the monthly meeting of the Sioux North tribe was held at Big Buck and Little Deer's house. In attendance were Crazy Horse and Tiger Lily; Running Rabbit and Little Bunny; Tiny Cloud and White Cloud, Big Buck and Little Deer; Flying Elbow and Bright Star; Laughing Bear, Singing River, and Shooting Star; and Broken Wing and Beauty Pony. After our traditional opening rituals, Big Buck read us a story about the Loons. We collected wampum, and the girls shared what they had done to earn their wampum. We were all excited about the El Capitan Campout, which started the next day. Flying Elbow shared with us how everyone loved the Nation Picnic and our Nation Games. We talked about a skit for El Capitan, and about our upcoming party at Mountasia. We then had a craft, with the girls decorating masks. We all brought our wood blocks for our totem poles (remember the December meeting?), and they were looking great!

We also elected our new chief. Laughing Bear was elected chief by acclaim!

We all look forward to the campout the next day. Some of us are going in tents (Running Rabbit/Little Bunny, Crazy Horse/Tiger Lily, and Thunder Cloud/Golden Dove, others are roughing it in cabins, and still others are going up just for one day.

We then held our last closing ritual for the year. We'll miss those who are graduating from our tribe: Tiger Lily, and Singing River.

This site is presented in conjunction with the North Valley YMCA's Y Guides/Y Princesses program. It is intended to comply with the Y Guides/Princesses guidelines on the usage of the Native American theme and culture. No offense to Native Americans, in particular, to members of the Sioux nation, the Lakota, the Dakota, or the Nakota is intended. Please send any corrections regarding this site, or suggestions for improvement, to the site webmaster.