Indian Princesses Badge

"Sioux North" Tribe of the GA-Sioux Nation

North Valley YMCA Y-Princesses


November 2000: Monthly Meeting at Red Sky's

The November Sioux North tribal meeting held at Red Sky's house. All tribal members were present.

The meeting began with our opening ceremony, after which Red Sky and Red Feather told a story about Thanksgiving. We also read the story "Looking for the Good" from the Y Friends Always book. After this, we collected "wampum" while the girls shared the things in their lives for which they were thankful. The girls then provided their scouting reports, sharing information about the constellations of Pegasus, Deliphinus, Boötes, Orion, Ursa Minor, and Argo Navis. The chief then provided information about upcoming nation events. At this time, induction certificates where provided to Broken Wing and Beauty Pony, and Big Buck and Little Deer.

After this, we did arts and crafts. We made puppets of characters in the Thanksgiving story, and the girls presented a little play. We then shared cupcakes and cookies in honor of Little Bunny's birthday.

Our next nation event is the Holiday Parade on December 3rd in Granada Hills. Most of the tribe have already committed to going. The scouting assignment for the next meeting is to report of family holiday traditions.


This site is presented in conjunction with the North Valley YMCA's Y Guides/Y Princesses program. It is intended to comply with the Y Guides/Princesses guidelines on the usage of the Native American theme and culture. No offense to Native Americans, in particular, to members of the Sioux nation, the Lakota, the Dakota, or the Nakota is intended. Please send any corrections regarding this site, or suggestions for improvement, to the site webmaster.